Quake agents of shield
Quake agents of shield

Dell'Otto based her visually on Angelina Jolie.

quake agents of shield quake agents of shield

Quake, first introduced as simply Daisy Johnson, was created by Brian Michael Bendis and Gabriele Dell'Otto in their Secret War limited series, where she was featured as a trusted and valued secret weapon of Nick Fury's. She also gained a Level 10 security clearance at 18 years of age, the highest security clearance on the planet. Fury noted she would have finished top of her class even without her powers. She showed a real aptitude, in-particular the black ops angle. Daisy then received her training and became an expert member of S.H.I.E.L.D. Later tests were carried out on Daisy and it turned out her powers weren't the cause of the mutant gene, but rather happened due to her father's chemical testings on himself, which passed down genetically to Daisy. Fury then offered Daisy to become a special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. From there Fury informed her of her powers and her real parentage. facility in Portland, Oregon and was interrogated by Nick Fury. From here she was taken in to speak to Nick Fury. After being caught, she became agitated and lost control of her body, causing her powers to cause a tremor, recorded at 3.2 on the Richter Scale. She was caught by the police after stealing CDs from a record store. Seventeen years later, a teenage Daisy had an extremely high I.Q.

quake agents of shield

The two were unaware of her parentage and raised Daisy as their own, not telling her that she was adopted. She was given up for adoption and was taken in by Greggory and Janet Sutter who renamed the seven month old Daisy, Cory Sutter. Daisy Louise Johnson is the daughter of villain Mr.Hyde and prostitute Jennifer Johnson.

Quake agents of shield